The one that I want is Me or A beginner's guide to a miniature celibate sexual revolution

I'm drying my hair by the fire after an appalling walk home through the back streets of Newtown in the pouring rain with a bursting bladder. I met, had coffee and conversed with the experimental coffee date man, let's call him Bert. Let's call him not quite boring but getting there. I was hoping for something different, something wild or rude or horrid or obsessive about coffee cup placement or some damn thing but what I got was, I suspect, average citizen.

I came prepared to hold close the secret nature of the experiment but Annushka had filled him in even given my blog url, so cover blown I lost all my tactics and not a little of my sense of fun, just like the time I phoned Rupert. I thought I am not this serious. Why am I being so serious, this is twice in about a week that I found myself being inane and serious. So I looked for common elements. What do Rupert and Bert have in common? Fucking nothing, except that they were talking to me. Its all about context.

Once at the pub with a host of friends I fondly noted their strange and wonderful outfits, Spencer was wearing one of his inappropriate cowboy shirts and the others all looked like objects or ornaments, beautiful like blown glass. I was wearing a plain button up shirt and jeans, orange sneakers my only nod to anything. I mentioned my plain outfit to a friend and she looked me up and down and said Yeah, but your personality's edgy. But I've lost my point. The one that I want is Me.

I stretched out the one soy latte and politely only had two cigarettes, instead of smoking my damn head of, which is why cafes were invented. Bert was polite from start to finish, he phoned to say he was running late, he offered me his scarf when I said I was cold, he even paid for my damn coffee. He attempted his share at keeping the conversation going, but never quite made it. We had nothing in common. He's some sort of office having computer talking person. He's reading Moby Dick but not loving the strange shift in narrators and the over the top introductions of characters that just disappear. He's wearing a white jacket that zips up, he's got hair that he probably combs, he's not into creative self-expression. And I don't care because the one that I want is Me.

Bert seems like a nice man but I don't care because I've suddenly discovered that my best light is an in context light. I fit my backstory like a glove, I carry this bag of survival, sorrow and joy like a flag. I am one funny scary fabulous intelligent woman and I'm the hell done with giving a shit whether strangers like me or not. So thanks Bert for coming out in the cold wet to meet a stranger and share an hour or so. You're a nice ordinary man and I'm really pleased to discover that I don't give a shit whether you like me, or not.


DS said…
Hmmm, this post sounds a bit serious, better break it up with a joke. Or not. Its a tiny bit serious because it marks the beginning of a miniature celibate sexual revolution, of sorts. This is all getting a it ponderous. I wonder what's on telly.
Anonymous said…
"I am one funny scary fabulous intelligent woman" - with but a brief acquaintance by blogeography you do seem to be, when will scary happen? That coffee date sounds not my cup of tea at all, but it was a set-up and set-ups can be perilous. The experiments have been fun though, yes?

Rups :)
DS said…
Yes! Much fun. Especially the trashbaggery and the attempted dream. But is not over, oh no. I'm cooking up something as we comment...
Anonymous said…
I feel a resurgence in spirit, not that I assumed it was flickering, although one tries to read between lines appropriately - The Collected Erotica, An Illustrated Celebration of Human Sexuality Through The Ages - I give full responsibility and love it.

Anonymous said…
Actually Dale, through the ages is a long time, It sounds like it will be a good bedside companion, with illustrations, an even better one - erotically speaking of course, I'm reading Turgenev's Smoke, and sadly that's no one's responsibility other then my own.
DS said…
Oh that's a hell of a book. Enjoy.
Anonymous said…
"The one that I want is Me." That's it. You're fucked. As soon as you realise you're happy to be on your own, someone invariably turns up to wreck your equilibrium.
NWJR said…
I'm jealous. You can't smoke anywhere indoors (and in some cases, even outdoors) in public this damn state without the Cigarette Police arresting you.

Not that I really smoke any more, but dammit...I want my options open.

Oh, and I don't give a shit either. But I did take one this morning.
DS said…
Z, Nah, I don't reckon anyone's going to ruin this its too new and finding its legs.

NWJR, Well it wasn't technically indoors, sort of an enclosed courtyard with walls, roof and heaters.
Matt said…
Too bad you weren't able to collect any data other than that dating sucks. Glad you're able to affirm yourself so easily.

Regarding your question: I write at a desk that is built in to my flat. It is near a window that overlooks a parking lot with an upscale restaurant. Sometimes I stand up and walk around in the middle of a sentence or do the dishes while I think of a title, so I can't say I do all my writing in one place.
Yeah thanks a lot dale for making me look like a shithead that revealed everything in your post.
Actually you kept making sure that he knew it wasnt a date! So I told him it wasn't a date. Also YOU told me to give him the web addy of your blog so he could see your picture so he knew who to look out for. SO thats what I did.

Well I'm glad you got something positive out of it. A reaffirmation of self-worth is never a bad thing.

I hope the poor guy isn't offended by what you wrote about him, cause you might not care what he thinks but he still has feelings like the rest of us.

love ya,
But I ain't getting involved in any more experiments.
DS said…
Annuska: You don't look like a shithead, you look like someone amazing who was excited about the experiment.Let me remind you that you picked him because you thought he could use the practice and that because he was aware that I would be writing about him he had every opportunity to influence the outcome. He is a nice man,I said he was a nice man and if he's worried that someone he wasn't on a romantic date with, that he's never met before and probably won't see again didn't fall instantly in love with him then that's an odd thing, surely.

Love you too,
Gemnastics said…
I had a very similar 'date' a little while ago and I could not blog about it because my disappointment with his ordinariness might have come out in much less diplomatic words than you used here. I touched on it once: "Recently I met a man whose writing was so bad I could not speak to him again." His non-confronting naivete, his standard blue jeans, and his audacity to apparently enjoy himself while I suffered his inane obsessive banter about his fucking cat, all infuriated me to the point where I am still inexplicably angry about it. So well done in being so nice about Mr Nice, who most likely made you angry with his plainness. I decided I don't do 'dates' anymore.
DS said…
Hey thanks,

I'm glad at least one person thinks I was diplomatic. I'm in a spot of bother with some other people for being too harsh. I think you are right about the dates. This whole experiment has been a disaster from the beginning. If the universe wants me to have a man it'll send one to me. Meanwhile I'm very busy making myself happy, hope you are too.