Randwick belles have noodles

I made noodles! Noodles! Well, I helped make them. Not in the way that the cat helps me type by watching but in an actual stretch dough out into noodle shapes way of helping. But now it is extremely late at night and thinking faculties are waning.

I caught a bus to Randwick, I made noodles, I ate warm fruit salad but the best part was conversation. I am finding more and more moments of joy. Building this life of mine from the rubble, turning each dusty brick over to discover some kind stranger has painted the other side a most incredible aching sky blue.


Anonymous said…
Making noodles is a small act of creation. Forget about the bigger picture - it doesn't need you right now - and just concentrate on the color of the other sides of bricks.
DS said…
I am the noodle.