Need assistance of evil super genius

I'm keeping score. Starting yesterday I am going to keep a tally of days I am glad to be alive vs days I would rather not experience (a big thumbs up on the dodo's mode). What I need is an evil super genius to make me a button that I can just click, thus avoiding all troublesome bother with score keeping.


Tara Tartly said…
ah, don't we all?
NWJR said…
It'd kind of be like the morphine dispenser they give you in the hospital. Once click and all the pain goes away....
Anonymous said…
You dare me to kill you? I dare you to let me ;)
DS said…
Bring it on Creamboy.
Matt said…
Love "big thumbs up on the dodo's mode." Very catchy.
DS said…
I have to admit to stealing a version of that from a poet and then inverting it.

"A common-sense
Thumbs-down on the dodo's mode.
Wrapped up in yourself like a spool,
Trawling your dark as owls do."

It is indeed catchy as I have not read that poem for many years but am still walking around with it reverberating in my head in distinct syllabic echoes.
Butterkist said…
It highly amuses me that you used part of a poem to symbolise death when the poem is all about life.

seems slightly stupid, i know you 'inverted' it however by doing so you ruin the poet magnificence of the sentence completely.

plus, if you really wanted to die then why do you waste your time on a site as this when you could have killed yourself already. And if you have so much time on your hands, which clearly you do, then maybe next time you post a attention seeking quote make sure it's one which is actually relavent to your plea.

Butterkist said…
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DS said…
You seem to have a problem with comprehension, school must be difficult for you.