Why do I like this?


Anonymous said…
Think of my own dare? Ok...

I dare you to offer your soul to the next person who enters the front door of your house.

I dare you to imagine for an entire day that you're walking upside-down, and that there is a constant imminent threat that you will fall into the clouds.

I dare you to use the word 'dragonfly' in a sentence that illustrates how much you care about someone.

I dare you to make all of your decisions by the role of two dice, a la Beyond the Labyrinth, by Gillian Rubenstein.
Anonymous said…
Don't know about you, but I liked it coz it's trippy! & very southparkish
DS said…
yeah quite south parkish. Poor Charlie.
Gemnastics said…
cos it's freakin twisted. i couldn't help thinking it was somehow about cocaine.

and making decisions by the die is surely originally from 'The Dice Man'?
DS said…
Yes Diceman was before Rubinstein, she is a contemporary writer.
Anonymous said…
Flashbacks to late 80s / early 90s anti peer pressure education schemes.
Come on man, you know you want to - everyone else is doing it...
NWJR said…
I watched it.

The whole thing.


My head hurts.
Dahlia said…
I'm sending this to my friend who has a candy problem. haha
DS said…
Charlie. Chaaaarlie.