Afternoon delight

I woke up on the floor of Ron & Rita's lounge room with a weight on my stomach and something hitting me repeatedly in the head. It was the munchkin firmly holding a toy monkey in her mouth and wielding a foam pirate's sword and a mad glint in her eye. She was using the sword to hit me in the face. It was far and away the oddest way I have ever been woken up in the morning.

The night before there was champagne, rose, wine, chilli schnapps, 30 year old port, more champagne oh and nitrous oxide. I am a terrible trashbag and I ought to be punished.

On the way home, in the afternoon, I phoned Elliot and wonder of wonders he was five minutes up the road from where I was driving in my car. I had forgotten how I feel in his presence. We finished his grocery shopping, had coffee and chocolates and I drove him home to the rehab house. We had more coffee, he played and sang for me, I demanded a hug every three to five minutes. Now I am watching Korean movies alone in The Peach marvelling at the speed with which my ridiculous unwanted crush on Rusty is retreating. All is meaningless when I am in a room with Elliot. He stops my clock.


Dahlia said…
Exactly how long is Elliot in rehab?
DS said…
A while yet.