Breaking news in Slammatown

The house next door to the Enmore petrol station is on fire. The Spatula and Grizelda were just there and were nearly trapped in the service station by firetrucks. There was a man in the house on fire trying to put on his pants. The servo guy ran out of the servo and started yelling at the man Your house is on fire to which the man replied I know I am trying to put on my pants. The Spatula then insisted that servo man serve her, she said "I just really need this toilet paper" she then managed to navigate around the chaos and return home.

I was woken up by the world's largest amount of sirens ever and the smell of smoke. I had thought of going around the house to check that it was not The Peach that was on fire but rolled over and thought better of the operation. The Peachettes arrived home shortly after this decision was made and now I am definitely awake. They are excited by witnessing a fire, a man with no pants and firemen. This is all perfectly understandable but I need to go to sleep, I might just keep an ear out for a large bang indicating that the petrol station had exploded.


Anonymous said…
Did you check your nostrils? If I lose my finerprints I usually find them up there.
Dan said…
The sounds of explosion are a positive sign of things being fucked right up. Wait for that. Also, who wears pants anymore? They are so old news.
DS said…
Oh no. I have been wearing pants everywhere, yet another fashion faux pas.