Tastes like a raindrop

Lately I have been worried that I have spilled something down my shirt or my pants are undone or my head is on fire. People are looking at me and I don't know why. Its beginning to freak me out.

There are too many moths. The cat is bravely attempting to capture and eat all of them. I 'm a bit worried that she will become ill. How many moths can a cat eat without ill effect? I suspect I am going to find out.

I had coffee with Spencer this evening, it seems he has also been unaccountably angry. He said " I was at this place on Oxford St and I got mad. I got real mad. So I walked home (to Marrickville)". Goodness. He must have been angry, that's a really long way.

I am tired, after ocean tired. If I lie still I might feel the swell in my blood but I don't want to go to sleep just yet. I am waiting to find out from Creamboy why he changed his Fspazbook status update thing to say "is not a revenge narrative either". Why? What does it mean? Why is he using my line? I suppose I could phone him but that wouldn't be nearly as exciting so I will wait and see what the internet delivers.

Meanwhile I will see what brain is saying about it.... maybe he is mad at me, have I done something wrong? I don't think so, certainly not on purpose. Perhaps it has nothing to do with me at all and he does not realise that line is the sub-title of my blog. Maybe I am paranoid. Oh what oh what have I done wrong this time. I am always inadvertently doing something to someone...

Oh I give up. Its late, I'm rocking in my own personal ocean and I don't want to be an odd person that stares at computers waiting for something to happen. I will go and look in my wardrobe and see if I can find a cup of water, I think there was one there yesterday.


Anonymous said…

I just liked the/your line and couldn't think of anything more original for my Facebook status.

Don't read too deeply, except in concluding that my imaginative well ran dry.
DS said…
Ah ha! An answer at last. Well if you ever run out of ideas again try Creamboy is rock bananas. I think that one's definitely a winner.
Shelley said…
May I please borrow your cat? I need a good moth-er.
DS said…
You made me snort my coffee, not a good look.
Anonymous said…
I really should stop snorting my coffee then, thanks for the tip Dale.

xox Rups
DS said…
Yes, especially seeing as you a perfectly good Einstein Factor mug to drink from.