Impending tantrum

I feel like my blog has been infiltrated which is of course ridiculous because it is a public space that anyone can access. However I still feel that I have been forced into unwanted censorship. I did not anticipate that people in my life would read my blog. Gemma said that the danger of blogging is that it's so silent and she's right. There is only me and the good flow of words through my fingers. The gap between blogger and blog reader could not be broader. It is the inside reversed and made manifest. The words at the top of my bog are not meaningless. This is not a revenge narrative. There are no secret codes or misdirected letters. I do not write what I would rather speak.

For now I will submit to the unwanted censorship but I am not comfortable. I feel squashed and watched instead of bold and free but like all things this feeling is temporally bound and will pass so for right now let us all think about the excellent properties of lovely flowers. Nice and neutral like a lighter shade of beige.


Anonymous said…

that was part of my previous post to do with communication actually narrowing under the guise of having more freedom to converse.

Rups :&
Anonymous said…
I think the biggest problem is that like sms and email there is no tone or inflections to go with the words. I often find things said in sms taken differently to how they were intended.
Gemnastics said…
for me, once it began, the feeling did not go away. rather, it became increasingly worse. i rebelled against it but in the end could not escape until i made a locked blog.
DS said…
Rups, yes, I need to reread that. I'm afraid I've not been very good at comprehension while I've been sick.

Rita, you are right and that makes me wrong. Even though this is just a blog and I dash things off quickly I am cross at myself for not being a skilled enough writer to convey my intentions.

Gemma, I'm going to battle this. I'll see how I go. I do not like this new feeling of censorship. I'll see how I go.
karen said…
This is why I hide my blog from most of my friends now. I can only imagine how I would fantastically explode all over the walls if the people I see everyday read it.

I hope this censoring of your blog doesn't impede your writing too much. I enjoy finding out bits about Dale.
Gemnastics said…

never forget that wonderful thing - the death of the author. never forget that once the writer has put her thoughts into words, no matter her intention, they can be deciphered in as many ways as there are readers. this is the folly of the written word. robbed of intonation, facial expression and body language, these words are everybody's property.