Cherry poppin' Superman

Superman is popping my scrabulous cherry. My one secret shame is my very small vocabulary so my chances of smashing him in a stunning victory are, well, small.

I met Superman at Creamboy's "I'm a doctor" bbq on Saturday. If I recall correctly I nearly spiked Superman in the head with my large black umbrella, I was attempting to use it as a parasol, while he was cooking large prawns on the bbq and trying not to cringe as their eyes caved in. Fortunately I did not spike Superman in the head although maybe I should have.

It was wall to wall doctors in there and I have to admit that all day I was half hoping for a spectacular medical emergency to take place so that I could see them in action. Preferably an emergency that involved spurting blood, stethoscopes and a lot of words, long medical words, being shouted followed by a period of slow motion and spooky music. Alas the thing went off without a hitch and the only emergency to be had was that someone splashed pool water into my shoes and I had to borrow a pair socks from Creamboy.

I'm having a kind of emergency now, smeg does not appear to be a real word, no matter how many times I have wished that it was.


cath said…
Oh, he'd love that moniker! He's rather good conversation hm? Easy on the eyes too:)
Anonymous said…
And a machine that goes 'Ping'.

Rups :)
DS said…
Rups, oh yes. A machine that goes ping would have been brilliant.

Cath: Yes, he is good to talk to but its important to remember that everyone deserves an excellent pseudonym regardless of conversational skill. I once knew a very horrible and nasty person, I called her Fuckface which is an excellent name, see how fair I am?
Anonymous said…
Why Superman?
DS said…
There are several mysteries here. Firstly how does everyone know who Superman is? Secondly, what's with all the questions.

I suggest that people ask Superman why he is called Superman if they are curious. I have been sworn to secrecy but I can let you know that it involves a beard.
Anonymous said…
I love questions. If I could bundle questions up into a person, I would marry that person.
DS said…
You would not.
Anonymous said…
Hehe, just Googled "fuckface and there is plenty there, unfortunately didn't seem to be any connection to the Fuckface we know...