
It is easy to have faith in an unconnected other. To encourage without shackles or the possibility of tumbling with the cards. I have done this. I have smiled and pushed and thought what a service, what a support, what an ideological stroking for my ego and the smiling wavering other shaking in their boots but braver now. Braver now they are stitching my words into their lining.

I won't be the one shivering with indecision or waiting and counting words spinning at me from across no less than the ether. I won't be the one pushed out with a long ideological stick. I'm prepared to admit that I've ignored all the lighthouses. I'm prepared to admit that I've dashed myself against this rock and that rock and all of your submerged and lurking bombs. I've followed valleys instead of ridges so I'll work on my echo, bouncing courage back at cliff faces and prising it from the valley floor.

I've stepped into my nadir, getting the azimuth all wrong. I've taken apart your sextant and coloured over all the stars. I'll build new navigation, starting with a way around you.


Anonymous said…
Your blog is the new black.
Anonymous said…
it hurts my eyes
NWJR said…
That was like exercise for my brain. I loved it.
DS said…
Dear Anon (or Anons),

I am tired of anonymous comments. Show yourselves.


Make sure you stretch.
