That's not electric light my friend its your vision growing dim

Oh yeah, its come to this. I'm still working on that fucking essay.
Things impeding work on my essay:
My uterus is tying itself into extremely small and intricate knots
I put too much chocolate powder into my hot chocolate
My left foot is asleep
It is dim in here because I broke all the light bulbs in my lamps, this was not on purpose
I am cold
There is too much goo on my face
My right arm feels like it is on fire
I have a headache
I object to this
I am so tired, so very tired
My house is still disordered
I will never be loved and this disheartens me
I can't remember where my pie dishes are
I thought my socks were black but they are very very very dark blue and not black at all
My mind has gone, thoughts, if I ever had them, have powdered and I am sitting with a head full of nothing but chalk dust and a globe spinning in sympathy with the sun


Gemnastics said…
I wish you were here because I also have essays to write and no love. When it is late and you are blocked it is time to have words with the teacher. Tell them how long it's been since you were at uni and that you work full time and are blocked.

Last time I did this was a couple of weeks ago, my tutor was very understanding, I copped no late penalty, and was given a high distinction.
DS said…
This is not a bad plan.