
The essay is finished, proofread and submitted. I am too tired to dance so I will sleep en pointe but first I will read these children's picture books, the titles amuse me:
A Hug for Tug
Too tight, Benito!


Gemnastics said…
Is that for real? That is too funny.
DS said…
Yep, for real.
Anonymous said…
Children's books that have less entertaining titles(or less sexual), but are quite good to read:

The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew It Was None of His Business

The Red Tree - Shaun Tan
DS said…
Oh now The Red Tree is something else. I have tied my existence to that book, I keep copies in my head in case of emergency. I have hanging on my wall, to the left of me now, above the stereo and two crystal vases, in a hideously expensive frame, the picture that I could not afford but bought anyway, the picture that explained long years and reasons for my life, the picture stamped as authentic and signed by Shaun Tan, its called Nobody Understands.
DS said…
And its from The Red Tree.
Gemnastics said…
i have both of these books. the little mole who knew it was none of his business is a fine scatalogical document.