Oh W, X, Y, Z, its just entered my head

Eight days now the world has been gently rocking beneath my feet. That first moment when you stand, two feet on land, and wonder if the ocean has followed you ashore. This afternoon it lifted, for a few hours, and I navigated happily around hearth and home with incautious steps. It descended this evening with regulation fatigue but I am hopeful now that it shall soon be gone.

It was a novelty run of invisible waters and I made myself Captain but minute by minute it became disconcerting until I wondered if I'd fallen out of rhythm. It would have been eminently sensible to consult a doctor at an earlier time but I was so sure each that the sensation would vanish. Superman, in his stern sensible way, convinced me to see a doctor. It was difficult to arrange, no doctors anywhere were available and I was stuck fast in my new rhythm of measuring steps between sturdy walls, the easy existence of rising in time for work then returning to bed before 8pm. It seems ridiculous now, the exhaustion tinged with blind optimism.

One small box of tablets, two days later and I'm beginning to feel myself again. I quite like the modern miracle of medicines.


Anonymous said…
Were they aspirin or immodium?
DS said…
Aspirin? Immodium?

I had no idea they could assist a person with The Amazing Mystery Illness of Not Yet Death. I shall fire my doctors immediately.